

Davin Ventures

Davin Ventures started its activitiein July 2020, and it currently has as a top priority the acceleration of the process of identifying capable and active businesses in different fields of creative cultural industries, which are seeking to attract capital.

Given the substantive differences between different fields of cultural industries and other industries defined in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Davin has tried to create a common understanding between the investor and the investee by attracting professional experts of this field, and it implements processes tailored to the specific circumstances of this sphere of business.

Contact with Barkat

If you have any questions, please contact us. If you own an investment plan for new businesses, send us your plan by following the link below. Our experts will meet you after studying the project or you will be introduced to our partners who can better help you.

System address:     bp.barkatventures.com

Email:                   bp@barkatventures.com